隨意煮Random cooking

隨意海味燴飯│Random Dried Seafood Steamed Rice

Random Dried Seafood Steamed Rice
Screenshot 2020-04-26 at 00.29.06.png


This receipt suitable to cook randomly. Just add your ingredients.

  1. 分別把蝦米/蝦乾、冬菇泡水備用;浸泡水亦留下。
    Soaked the dried shrimps and dried shiitake till soften, keep those water.

  2. 洗米,然後浸米30分鐘。
    Wash the rice, soaked it for one hour, keep those water

  3. 將蒜頭切成蒜末,紅蔥頭切細丁。
    Mince the garlics, dice the shallots.

  4. 將紅蘿蔔切細丁;荷蘭豆切小段。
    Dice the carrot; cut the snow peas into bite size.

  5. 將浸軟的冬菇切片。
    Sliced the softened shiitake.

  6. 沖掉鴻喜菇表面泥沙,抹乾(此步不能提早做,否則菇會發臭)。
    Lightly rinse the mushrooms with cool water and pat them dry. (Don’t do this step too early or else the mushrooms will get slimy and water logged)

  7. 平底鑊落油,將蒜末,紅蔥頭丁炒香。
    Warm a nonstick pan with oil, add the garlic and shallots. Saute them until fragrant.

  8. 加入蝦米/蝦乾、冬菇,炒出香氣。
    Add dried shrimps and shiitake. Saute them until fragrant.

  9. 加入蝦仁、泡好的米。
    Add shrimps and rice.

  10. 逐少倒入三款浸泡水,水位應稍稍覆蓋所有材料。
    Gradually add the soaking water and cover all the ingredients. (You can’t take it out, so it’s better to hold them back and add more if you need)

  11. 加入醬油、蠔油、紹興酒,加蓋煮滾。
    Add Soy sauce, Oyster sauce and Huadiao wine, put the lid on. Bring to boil over high heat.

steamed rice

12. 煮滾後轉小火,燜煮5分鐘。
Reduce to low heat and simmer for 5 mins.

13. 關火再燜10分鐘。
Turn off the heat and simmer for 10 mins. 

14. 試味,調整味道,上碟。
Taste and adjust accordingly. Serve.


If you want the crispy crust of rice at the bottom. turn to low heat for extra 2 mins.