




半條至1條 青瓜
6隻 虎蝦仁
1個 紅蔥頭
50g 粉絲
3瓣 柚子肉
20粒 花生

15ml 魚露
15ml 檸檬汁
3粒 蒜頭
半條至1條 指天椒(視乎能否吃辣)


  1. 將柚子肉拆散、雪凍備用

  2. 將粉絲泡軟備用

  3. 將虎蝦仁洗淨,抹乾,用少許鹽醃好備用

  4. 將花生樁碎備用。

  5. 將青瓜洗淨,切絲,過冰水讓它變爽脆

  6. 將粉絲和虎蝦仁灼熟,過冰水

  7. 將紅蔥頭切片、蒜頭及指天椒切粒

  8. 先將魚露、檸檬汁、鹽、糖拌勻,加入[7]切好的材料

  9. 將製成的沙律汁倒進沙律拌勻

  10. 加入柚子肉和花生碎,稍稍拌勻即成。

Hot Dog Buns/ Lobster ROLLS



120ml Warm Milk (35℃)

120ml Warm Water (35℃)

9g Active Dry Yeast

525g Bread Flour

10g Sugar

4g Fine Sea Salt

1 Egg

1 Egg Yolk

30g Softened Unsalted Butter

Egg wash

1 Egg

1 tbs Water

I used a stand mixer. If you don’t use it, just make sure to mix the ingredients well and knead the dough for a little bit longer.


1. Combine warm milk and warm water

2. Add dry yeast, set aside

3. Mix the flour, sugar, and salt. Add [2] mixture and mix well

5. Add 1 egg and 1 egg yolk, mix until the dough start coming together

4. Use a dry towel to cover it. Let it sit 10-15 mins, let the dough do its own magic (autolyze)

6. Knead the dough, when the surface becomes smooth, do a windowpane test

7. Add the softened butter

8. Shape the dough into a ball and let it rise for 1 hour or until double in size

9. Divide the dough into smaller balls and let them rest for 10 minutes
(reference weight: mini version is about 42g and normal version is about 80g)

10. Press the dough, roll it into cylinders.

If you are making hot dog buns, the cylinder is general even, slightly higher in the middle, slightly slender at both ends

If you are making lobster roll buns, after rolling the dough into a cylinder, press on the sides to make the bread narrow and high.

11. Place them on a baking tray

If you are making lobster roll buns, put them closely so that they will touch each other when they are baked. When the bread is separated, there will be flat surfaces on both sides for frying.

12. Let them rest for 45 mins

13. Brush them with egg wash

Bake ~150℃ for 20 mins

Buy Me A Coffee

醬油燒菇煙熏紅茶炊飯 Shoyu mushroom with smoky black tea steamed rice

醬油燒菇煙熏紅茶炊飯 Shoyu mushroom with smoky black tea steamed rice

I just lost my appetite. I simply want to eat a light, vegan, warm meal. I went to a restaurant and ordered a similar dish, but it is not moving, so I try to make it myself.

For 1


1/2 (
Beech mushroom)
(Smoky black tea)
90g White Rice
Handful chopped green onion

1 tbp Japanese soy sauce/shoyu
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste



(鴻喜菇) 半株
(煙熏紅茶) 少許
白米 90g
蔥花 少許

日式醬油 1湯匙
黑椒 適量


  1. Make tea.

  2. Wash the rice.

  3. Cook the rice with smoky black tea.

  4. Wash the beech mushroom.

  5. Dry the mushroom and grilled it, allow it to lose moisture.

  6. Keep grilled the mushroom with Japanese soy sauce.

  7. Add the chopped green onion. Turn off the heat.

  8. Put the mushroom on the cooked rice. Add grounded seaweed.


  1. 沖茶。

  2. 洗米備用。

  3. 用茶煮飯。

  4. 將鴻喜菇洗淨。

  5. 將鴻喜菇抹乾,放進白鑊烤,燒至乾身。

  6. 加入日式醬油煎香。

  7. 加入蔥花、熄火。

  8. 將燒菇放在熟飯上面,加上海苔粉。

貼士 Tips

Smoky black tea can be replaced with other types of tea or even water.
Beech mushrooms can be replaced with other types of mushrooms.

Buy Me A Coffee

意式火腿香菇酥皮撻 Ham and Beech Pastry Tart

意式火腿香菇酥皮撻 Ham and Beech Pastry Tart


For 3


意式風乾火腿 3塊
鴻喜菇 1扎/包
洋蔥 1/4個
急凍酥皮 (5吋正方形x3)
蛋黃 1隻 (蛋漿)
牛油 少許
黑椒 適量


3 Parma Ham
1 pack/cluster Beech
1/4 Onion
Frozen Puff Pastry (for 5-inch squares x3)
1 Egg yolk (Egg wash)
Little Butter
Little Oil
To taste Pepper


  1. 將洋蔥洗乾淨,切絲

  2. 將鴻喜菇抹或快速沖洗乾淨,搣開

  3. 平底鑊落油,將洋蔥絲、鴻喜菇

  4. 盛起,備用。

  5. 預熱焗爐至210℃。

  6. 將急凍酥皮擀和裁成三個5吋正

  7. 將酥皮放在已抹牛油的牛油紙上。

  8. 用叉在酥皮上刺孔。

  9. 在酥皮上均勻地塗蛋漿。

  10. 將(4)和意式風乾火腿放在酥皮

  11. 210℃,焗20-22分鐘即成。


  1. Wash and shred the onion.

  2. Clean and separate the cluster of beech.

  3. Warm a nonstick pan with oil, add the onion and beech.

  4. Saute them until fragrant. Then set aside and let them cool down.

  5. Preheat the oven to 210℃.

  6. Roll and cut the frozen puff pastry to three 5 inch squares, 2-3mm thick.

  7. Have little butter on the tracing paper.

  8. Dot the pastry with the fork.

  9. Brush the egg wash on the pastry evenly.

  10. Place (4) and the Parma ham in the middle.

  11. Bake them at 210℃ for 20-22 mins.

貼士 Tips

  • 可在(10)步驟時加入芝士。

  • You may add cheese at step10 as well.

  • 可焗首十分鐘後拿出,在中間加一隻雞蛋。

  • You may take them out after baked for 10mins. Then add an egg in the middle.

湯種漢堡包 | Tang Zong Hamburger Buns

Tang Zong Burger Bun

材料 Ingredients

ingredients for burger buns


0) Take the eggs out of the fridge.

A1) Mix all ingredients.

A2) Cook over medium heat, whisk constantly.

A3) It will turn to a thick slurry quickly. Set aside. 

B1) Heat the milk to around 30℃.

B2) Mix with dry yeast.

B3) With the mixer on low speed, mix sugar and bread flour.

B4) Add milk and yeast mixture.

B5) Gradually add (A)Tangzhong, one egg yolk, and one whole egg.

B6) Turn the mixer to medium speed, mix all the ingredients well.

B7) Add butter.

B8) Let the mixer knead the dough for ~5 mins or till it turns smooth.

B9) Tuck the sides of the dough underneath until it becomes smooth and rounded.

B10) Place the dough in the floured container and covered with a clean tea towel.

B11) Let the dough prove for 1-1.5hrs at room temperature.

B12 After the dough doubled in size, punch it down.

B13) Flour the work surface.

B14) Divide the dough into equal pieces.

  • 75-95g Normal size 55-65g Mini 

B15) Shape the doughs to nice balls (Step9  technique) and place them (leave some space in between) on a baking sheet

B16) Cover them and have second prove for 30mins-2hr..

B17) Pre-heat the oven at 190℃.

B18) Brush the egg wash on the surface of the bun.

B19) Bake them at 190℃ for 15-20 mins.


0) 將雞蛋置於室溫。

A1) 拌勻所有材料。

A2) 一邊攪拌一邊中火加熱。

A3) 很快就會變稠身,備用。


B2) 拌入乾酵母。

B3) 將廚師機開至低速,將麵粉、糖拌勻。

B4) 加入牛奶和酵母混合物。


B6) 將廚師機調至中速,拌勻所有材料。

B7) 加入牛油。

B8) 讓廚師機揉粉糰,揉約5分鐘或至它變柔滑。

B9) 將粉糰表面外推,再塞進糰底,不斷重覆直至成為圓滑的麵糰。

B10) 將粉糰放進已灑粉的器皿,蓋上乾布。

B11) 讓粉糰在室溫發酵1-1.5小時。

B12) 當粉糰漲大一倍後,打粉糰排氣。

B13) 在檯面灑粉。

B14) 將粉糰分成等份。

  • 75-95克正常大小 55-65克迷你版

B15) 將粉糰整形(同第9步技巧),放在牛油紙上,每個之間要留點空間。

B16) 蓋著粉糰,二次發酵,約30分鐘至2小時。

B17) 預熱焗爐至190℃。

B18) 搽上蛋液。

B19) 焗15至20分鐘。

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燉辣魚煲 | Spicy Fish Stew

燉辣魚煲 | Spicy Fish Stew
燉辣魚煲 Spicy fish stew
我使用的煙燻紅椒粉是西班牙的La Chinata

我使用的煙燻紅椒粉是西班牙的La Chinata

1. 將冰鮮魚柳解凍,沖洗、抹乾、放在雪櫃抽乾(理想是一晚時間)。
1. Unfreeze and rinse the catfish; pat dry. Set aside in the fridge (ideally for a day).

2. 洗淨荷蘭豆、車厘茄。
2. Wash the snow peas and cherry tomatoes.

3. 撕去荷蘭豆的老筋。
3. Remove the tough string along the edge of the snow peas.

4. 將薯仔去皮。
4. Peel the potato.

5. 將薯仔、甘筍切片。
5. Slice the potato and carrot.

6. 將洋蔥切絲,紅蔥頭、辣椒切末。
6. Shred the onion; Mince the shallot and chilli.

7. 將魚柳切件,用鹽、黑椒、煙燻紅椒粉醃好。
7. Cut the fish into six pieces. Season them with salt, pepper, and smoked paprika.

8. 砂鍋落1茶匙油,煎香薯仔片後盛起備用。
8. Warm the pot with 1/2tps oil, fry the sliced potato. Set aside.

9. Warm the pot with 1/2tps oil, add the chilli, onion, and shallot. Saute them until fragrant.

10. 放入薯仔、甘筍、車厘茄。將魚塊放面。
10. Add potatoes, carrots, cherry tomatoes. Put the fish fillets on the top.

11. 加水,碰到而毋須蓋過魚身為足夠。
11. Add enough water to reach but not cover the fish fillets.

12. 加蓋煮滾,反轉魚塊
12. Put the lid on. Bring to boil, flip the fish fillets.

13. 煮約3-5分鐘,或至魚塊熟透即可。
13. Cook about 3-5 mins or till the fish is done.

備註 Remarks

  • 如果沒有辣椒,可扣起油,直接用辣椒油起鑊。
    Cut down the oil and use the chilli oil to warm the pan and fry the ingredients if you don’t have a chilli in hand.

  • 水不要蓋過魚塊,半燉半蒸,留意時間,確保嫩滑!
    Water should not cover the fish fillets. Stew and steam them. Watch out the time to make sure they are tender.

隨意海味燴飯│Random Dried Seafood Steamed Rice

Random Dried Seafood Steamed Rice
Screenshot 2020-04-26 at 00.29.06.png


This receipt suitable to cook randomly. Just add your ingredients.

  1. 分別把蝦米/蝦乾、冬菇泡水備用;浸泡水亦留下。
    Soaked the dried shrimps and dried shiitake till soften, keep those water.

  2. 洗米,然後浸米30分鐘。
    Wash the rice, soaked it for one hour, keep those water

  3. 將蒜頭切成蒜末,紅蔥頭切細丁。
    Mince the garlics, dice the shallots.

  4. 將紅蘿蔔切細丁;荷蘭豆切小段。
    Dice the carrot; cut the snow peas into bite size.

  5. 將浸軟的冬菇切片。
    Sliced the softened shiitake.

  6. 沖掉鴻喜菇表面泥沙,抹乾(此步不能提早做,否則菇會發臭)。
    Lightly rinse the mushrooms with cool water and pat them dry. (Don’t do this step too early or else the mushrooms will get slimy and water logged)

  7. 平底鑊落油,將蒜末,紅蔥頭丁炒香。
    Warm a nonstick pan with oil, add the garlic and shallots. Saute them until fragrant.

  8. 加入蝦米/蝦乾、冬菇,炒出香氣。
    Add dried shrimps and shiitake. Saute them until fragrant.

  9. 加入蝦仁、泡好的米。
    Add shrimps and rice.

  10. 逐少倒入三款浸泡水,水位應稍稍覆蓋所有材料。
    Gradually add the soaking water and cover all the ingredients. (You can’t take it out, so it’s better to hold them back and add more if you need)

  11. 加入醬油、蠔油、紹興酒,加蓋煮滾。
    Add Soy sauce, Oyster sauce and Huadiao wine, put the lid on. Bring to boil over high heat.

steamed rice

12. 煮滾後轉小火,燜煮5分鐘。
Reduce to low heat and simmer for 5 mins.

13. 關火再燜10分鐘。
Turn off the heat and simmer for 10 mins. 

14. 試味,調整味道,上碟。
Taste and adjust accordingly. Serve.


If you want the crispy crust of rice at the bottom. turn to low heat for extra 2 mins.

香煎牛扒配蜜糖薯仔粒 | Steak with Honey Roasted Potatoes

掛住萬發嘅黑椒薯仔牛柳粒。整個解構版畀自己,以慰單思之情。 I miss the stir fry beef and potatoes with black pepper in Hong Kong Style. So I made a deconstructed version.

I miss the stir fry beef and potatoes with black pepper in Hong Kong Style. So I made a deconstructed version.

Screenshot 2020-04-02 at 01.52.42.png

0) 牛扒若曾冰鮮,解凍後放在室溫「回溫」30分鐘
0) Take the steaks out the fridge for 30mins before start cooking

A 沉悶牛扒 Boring Steak

A1) 平底鑊燒熱2-3分鐘。
A1) Hot the pan for 2-3mins.

A2) 用鹽、黑椒為牛扒調味。
A2) Season the steaks.

A3) 煎香油脂一面(或把油脂切下來先煎)。
A3) Sear the strip of fat. (Or cut it out and pan-fried them)

A4) 出油後,每面煎約兩分鐘,期間儘量不要移動牛扒。
A4) Till oil around, sear for about 2 mins each side. Try not to move them.

A5) 把最後一面也煎香、上色。
A5) Sear the final side of the steaks and get the colour.

A6) 離火,讓牛扒休息8-10分鐘。
A6) Take them out, let them rest 8-10mins

A7) 若休息後嫌不夠熱,回火煎約1分鐘。
A7) Return them to the pan for extra minute if they are too cold to serve.

B 蜜糖薯仔粒 Honey Roasted Potatoes

B1) 將薯仔切粒。
B1) Cut potatoes in half or quarters depending on the size.

B2) 將薯仔用鹽水汆水,瀝乾盛起。
B2) Cover the potatoes with salted water.

B3) 落油,用中火煎脆薯仔表面。
B3) Cook until tender, drain.Add oil, pan-fried the potatoes

B4) 加入蒜頭、黑椒、少量鹽。
B4) Add garlic, pepper and little salt.

B5) 加入蜜糖兜勻。
B5) Add honey and stir.

C 煎車厘茄 Pan Roasted Cherry Tomatoes

C1) 落鑊整熟佢,記得調味。
C1) Just do it.  Don’t forget to season them.