
Hot Dog Buns/ Lobster ROLLS



120ml Warm Milk (35℃)

120ml Warm Water (35℃)

9g Active Dry Yeast

525g Bread Flour

10g Sugar

4g Fine Sea Salt

1 Egg

1 Egg Yolk

30g Softened Unsalted Butter

Egg wash

1 Egg

1 tbs Water

I used a stand mixer. If you don’t use it, just make sure to mix the ingredients well and knead the dough for a little bit longer.


1. Combine warm milk and warm water

2. Add dry yeast, set aside

3. Mix the flour, sugar, and salt. Add [2] mixture and mix well

5. Add 1 egg and 1 egg yolk, mix until the dough start coming together

4. Use a dry towel to cover it. Let it sit 10-15 mins, let the dough do its own magic (autolyze)

6. Knead the dough, when the surface becomes smooth, do a windowpane test

7. Add the softened butter

8. Shape the dough into a ball and let it rise for 1 hour or until double in size

9. Divide the dough into smaller balls and let them rest for 10 minutes
(reference weight: mini version is about 42g and normal version is about 80g)

10. Press the dough, roll it into cylinders.

If you are making hot dog buns, the cylinder is general even, slightly higher in the middle, slightly slender at both ends

If you are making lobster roll buns, after rolling the dough into a cylinder, press on the sides to make the bread narrow and high.

11. Place them on a baking tray

If you are making lobster roll buns, put them closely so that they will touch each other when they are baked. When the bread is separated, there will be flat surfaces on both sides for frying.

12. Let them rest for 45 mins

13. Brush them with egg wash

Bake ~150℃ for 20 mins

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120ml 溫牛奶 (35℃)
120ml 溫水 (35℃)
9g 乾酵母
525g 麵包粉
10g 砂糖
4g 海鹽
1 隻雞蛋
1 隻蛋黃
30g 無鹽黃油
1 隻 雞蛋












9.把麵團分成小球,讓他們休息10分鐘 (重量參考:迷你版約42克/正常版約80克一個)


  • 用來做熱狗的話,中間較高,頭尾較矮和尖,像一個小丘。

  • 若是用來做龍蝦卷,揉好後在左右兩邊輕力按壓,儘量讓麵糰有一定高度。



  • 用來做熱狗的話,每個麵包之間的距離不太重要。

  • 用來做龍蝦卷的話,每個麵包之間只能留小量空間(如1cm),使它二次發酵時互相觸碰,焗成撕開會形成平面,便可以煎香。

12. 讓圓柱麵團靜置45分鐘

13. 在各個麵糰上搽上蛋液

14. 以140℃ 焗20分鐘

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湯種漢堡包 | Tang Zong Hamburger Buns

Tang Zong Burger Bun

材料 Ingredients

ingredients for burger buns


0) Take the eggs out of the fridge.

A1) Mix all ingredients.

A2) Cook over medium heat, whisk constantly.

A3) It will turn to a thick slurry quickly. Set aside. 

B1) Heat the milk to around 30℃.

B2) Mix with dry yeast.

B3) With the mixer on low speed, mix sugar and bread flour.

B4) Add milk and yeast mixture.

B5) Gradually add (A)Tangzhong, one egg yolk, and one whole egg.

B6) Turn the mixer to medium speed, mix all the ingredients well.

B7) Add butter.

B8) Let the mixer knead the dough for ~5 mins or till it turns smooth.

B9) Tuck the sides of the dough underneath until it becomes smooth and rounded.

B10) Place the dough in the floured container and covered with a clean tea towel.

B11) Let the dough prove for 1-1.5hrs at room temperature.

B12 After the dough doubled in size, punch it down.

B13) Flour the work surface.

B14) Divide the dough into equal pieces.

  • 75-95g Normal size 55-65g Mini 

B15) Shape the doughs to nice balls (Step9  technique) and place them (leave some space in between) on a baking sheet

B16) Cover them and have second prove for 30mins-2hr..

B17) Pre-heat the oven at 190℃.

B18) Brush the egg wash on the surface of the bun.

B19) Bake them at 190℃ for 15-20 mins.


0) 將雞蛋置於室溫。

A1) 拌勻所有材料。

A2) 一邊攪拌一邊中火加熱。

A3) 很快就會變稠身,備用。


B2) 拌入乾酵母。

B3) 將廚師機開至低速,將麵粉、糖拌勻。

B4) 加入牛奶和酵母混合物。


B6) 將廚師機調至中速,拌勻所有材料。

B7) 加入牛油。

B8) 讓廚師機揉粉糰,揉約5分鐘或至它變柔滑。

B9) 將粉糰表面外推,再塞進糰底,不斷重覆直至成為圓滑的麵糰。

B10) 將粉糰放進已灑粉的器皿,蓋上乾布。

B11) 讓粉糰在室溫發酵1-1.5小時。

B12) 當粉糰漲大一倍後,打粉糰排氣。

B13) 在檯面灑粉。

B14) 將粉糰分成等份。

  • 75-95克正常大小 55-65克迷你版

B15) 將粉糰整形(同第9步技巧),放在牛油紙上,每個之間要留點空間。

B16) 蓋著粉糰,二次發酵,約30分鐘至2小時。

B17) 預熱焗爐至190℃。

B18) 搽上蛋液。

B19) 焗15至20分鐘。

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